Saturday 20th April 2019
Sheffield | 24 | 32 | Sandbach |
Saturday 13th April 2019
Bournville | 36 | 22 | Syston |
Bridgnorth | 42 | 8 | Sheffield |
Broadstreet | 16 | 17 | Scunthorpe |
Burton | 25 | 21 | Sandbach | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 43 | 26 | Nuneaton |
Doncaster Phoenix | 17 | 47 | Newport (Salop) |
Lichfield | 19 | 80 | Luctonians |
Saturday 6th April 2019
Lichfield | 22 | 49 | Syston |
Luctonians | 64 | 12 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Newport (Salop) | 54 | 17 | Derby |
Nuneaton | 17 | 54 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Sandbach | 29 | 34 | Broadstreet |
Scunthorpe | 45 | 12 | Bridgnorth |
Sheffield | 17 | 16 | Bournville |
Saturday 30th March 2019
Bournville | 17 | 24 | Scunthorpe |
Bridgnorth | 15 | 21 | Sandbach |
Burton | 29 | 26 | Newport (Salop) | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 19 | 70 | Luctonians |
Doncaster Phoenix | 66 | 35 | Lichfield |
Nuneaton | 20 | 15 | Broadstreet |
Syston | 15 | 10 | Sheffield |
Saturday 23rd March 2019
Doncaster Phoenix | 57 | 23 | Syston |
Luctonians | 54 | 14 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Newport (Salop) | 27 | 24 | Broadstreet |
Nuneaton | 10 | 47 | Bridgnorth |
Sandbach | 40 | 22 | Bournville |
Scunthorpe | 32 | 21 | Sheffield |
Friday 22nd March 2019
Lichfield | 37 | 19 | Derby |
Saturday 16th March 2019
Sheffield | P | P | Sandbach |
Saturday 9th March 2019
Bournville | 24 | 25 | Nuneaton |
Bridgnorth | 18 | 7 | Newport (Salop) |
Broadstreet | 19 | 35 | Luctonians |
Burton | 35 | 14 | Lichfield | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 26 | 49 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Sheffield | P | P | Sandbach |
Syston | 28 | 24 | Scunthorpe |
Saturday 2nd March 2019
Derby | 17 | 25 | Syston |
Doncaster Phoenix | 43 | 38 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Lichfield | 18 | 28 | Broadstreet |
Luctonians | 45 | 12 | Bridgnorth |
Newport (Salop) | 31 | 10 | Bournville |
Nuneaton | 37 | 13 | Sheffield |
Sandbach | 32 | 17 | Scunthorpe |
Saturday 16th February 2019
Bournville | 27 | 29 | Luctonians | ||
Later KO to accommodate dual use of pitch |
Bridgnorth | 31 | 15 | Lichfield |
Broadstreet | 23 | 21 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Scunthorpe | 38 | 25 | Nuneaton |
Sheffield | 15 | 13 | Newport (Salop) |
Syston | 52 | 10 | Sandbach |
Friday 15th February 2019
Burton | 33 | 10 | Derby | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Saturday 9th February 2019
Burton | 11 | 27 | Syston | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 18 | 55 | Broadstreet |
Doncaster Phoenix | 47 | 15 | Bridgnorth |
Lichfield | 22 | 28 | Bournville | ||
Re-arranged to Friday 8th Feb 7.45 KO |
Luctonians | 22 | 14 | Sheffield |
Newport (Salop) | 15 | 16 | Scunthorpe |
Nuneaton | 33 | 15 | Sandbach |
Saturday 26th January 2019
Bournville | 29 | 26 | Doncaster Phoenix | ||
Later KO to accommodate dual use of pitch |
Bridgnorth | 32 | 15 | Derby |
Broadstreet | 33 | 19 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Sandbach | 21 | 32 | Newport (Salop) |
Scunthorpe | 17 | 15 | Luctonians |
Sheffield | 37 | 14 | Lichfield |
Syston | 23 | 20 | Nuneaton |
Saturday 19th January 2019
Broadstreet | 17 | 0 | Syston |
Burton | 17 | 10 | Bridgnorth | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 27 | 28 | Bournville |
Doncaster Phoenix | 24 | 19 | Sheffield |
Lichfield | 14 | 31 | Scunthorpe |
Luctonians | 28 | 24 | Sandbach |
Newport (Salop) | 56 | 0 | Nuneaton |
Saturday 12th January 2019
Bournville | 46 | 26 | Burton | ||
Later KO to accommodate dual use of pitch | |||||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Bridgnorth | 17 | 24 | Broadstreet |
Nuneaton | 28 | 33 | Luctonians |
Sandbach | 34 | 29 | Lichfield |
Scunthorpe | 34 | 27 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Sheffield | 10 | 3 | Derby |
Syston | 24 | 35 | Newport (Salop) |
Saturday 5th January 2019
Bridgnorth | 28 | 24 | Syston |
Broadstreet | 58 | 31 | Bournville |
Burton | 30 | 36 | Sheffield | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 15 | 23 | Scunthorpe |
Doncaster Phoenix | 43 | 32 | Sandbach |
Luctonians | 22 | 32 | Newport (Salop) |
Friday 4th January 2019
Saturday 15th December 2018
Bournville | 13 | 19 | Bridgnorth | ||
Later KO to accommodate dual use of pitch |
Newport (Salop) | 34 | 5 | Lichfield |
Nuneaton | 24 | 7 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Sandbach | 20 | 8 | Derby |
Scunthorpe | 14 | 12 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Sheffield | 16 | 21 | Broadstreet |
Syston | 19 | 26 | Luctonians |
Saturday 8th December 2018
Bournville | 12 | 17 | Sheffield |
Bridgnorth | 21 | 21 | Scunthorpe |
Broadstreet | 19 | 19 | Sandbach |
Burton | 44 | 13 | Nuneaton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 29 | 21 | Newport (Salop) |
Doncaster Phoenix | 7 | 24 | Luctonians |
Syston | 33 | 40 | Lichfield |
Saturday 1st December 2018
Lichfield | 52 | 38 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Luctonians | 55 | 0 | Derby |
Newport (Salop) | 39 | 31 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Sandbach | 19 | 19 | Bridgnorth |
Scunthorpe | 34 | 12 | Bournville |
Sheffield | 52 | 0 | Syston |
Friday 30th November 2018
Broadstreet | 25 | 10 | Nuneaton |
Saturday 24th November 2018
Bournville | 17 | 22 | Sandbach |
Bridgnorth | 31 | 28 | Nuneaton |
Broadstreet | 34 | 49 | Newport (Salop) |
Burton | 24 | 32 | Luctonians | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 27 | 26 | Lichfield |
Sheffield | 24 | 20 | Scunthorpe |
Syston | 20 | 15 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Saturday 17th November 2018
Doncaster Phoenix | 46 | 29 | Derby |
Lichfield | 22 | 29 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Luctonians | 19 | 7 | Broadstreet |
Newport (Salop) | 13 | 20 | Bridgnorth |
Nuneaton | 53 | 40 | Bournville |
Sandbach | 11 | 31 | Sheffield |
Scunthorpe | 22 | 13 | Syston |
Saturday 3rd November 2018
Bournville | 32 | 39 | Newport (Salop) | ||
Later KO to accommodate dual use of pitch |
Bridgnorth | 15 | 7 | Luctonians |
Broadstreet | 71 | 10 | Lichfield |
Burton | 18 | 43 | Doncaster Phoenix | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Scunthorpe | 15 | 8 | Sandbach |
Sheffield | 24 | 3 | Nuneaton |
Syston | 29 | 39 | Derby |
Saturday 27th October 2018
Doncaster Phoenix | 24 | 29 | Broadstreet |
Lichfield | 34 | 31 | Bridgnorth |
Luctonians | 40 | 10 | Bournville |
Newport (Salop) | 31 | 20 | Sheffield |
Nuneaton | 17 | 24 | Scunthorpe |
Sandbach | 46 | 5 | Syston |
Friday 26th October 2018
Derby | 17 | 44 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Saturday 20th October 2018
Bournville | 49 | 27 | Lichfield |
Bridgnorth | 43 | 5 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Broadstreet | 17 | 17 | Derby |
Sandbach | 46 | 41 | Nuneaton |
Scunthorpe | 25 | 19 | Newport (Salop) |
Sheffield | 26 | 7 | Luctonians |
Syston | 20 | 42 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Saturday 6th October 2018
Burton | 17 | 22 | Broadstreet |
Derby | 21 | 24 | Bridgnorth |
Doncaster Phoenix | 17 | 33 | Bournville |
Lichfield | 31 | 17 | Sheffield |
Luctonians | 36 | 7 | Scunthorpe |
Newport (Salop) | 28 | 22 | Sandbach |
Nuneaton | 30 | 11 | Syston |
Saturday 29th September 2018
Bournville | 41 | 37 | Derby |
Bridgnorth | 41 | 20 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Nuneaton | 30 | 22 | Newport (Salop) |
Sandbach | 23 | 55 | Luctonians |
Scunthorpe | 35 | 12 | Lichfield |
Sheffield | 50 | 0 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Syston | 26 | 33 | Broadstreet |
Saturday 22nd September 2018
Broadstreet | 19 | 22 | Bridgnorth |
Burton | 29 | 19 | Bournville | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Derby | 38 | 12 | Sheffield |
Doncaster Phoenix | 26 | 27 | Scunthorpe |
Lichfield | 33 | 27 | Sandbach |
Luctonians | 12 | 13 | Nuneaton |
Newport (Salop) | 61 | 3 | Syston |
Saturday 15th September 2018
Bournville | 8 | 24 | Broadstreet |
Newport (Salop) | 15 | 13 | Luctonians |
Nuneaton | 12 | 30 | Lichfield |
Sandbach | 39 | 43 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Scunthorpe | 41 | 21 | Derby |
Sheffield | 26 | 0 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Syston | 9 | 18 | Bridgnorth |
Saturday 8th September 2018
Bridgnorth | 21 | 14 | Bournville |
Broadstreet | 13 | 0 | Sheffield |
Burton | 3 | 36 | Scunthorpe |
Derby | 12 | 11 | Sandbach |
Doncaster Phoenix | 24 | 7 | Nuneaton |
Lichfield | 19 | 45 | Newport (Salop) |
Luctonians | 64 | 7 | Syston |
Saturday 1st September 2018
Luctonians | 73 | 14 | Lichfield |
Newport (Salop) | 67 | 17 | Doncaster Phoenix |
Nuneaton | 43 | 25 | Derby |
Sandbach | 34 | 25 | Burton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Scunthorpe | 27 | 15 | Broadstreet |
Sheffield | 18 | 13 | Bridgnorth |
Syston | 0 | 12 | Bournville |