We welcome entries to for the 2024-25 Season Age Grade Yorkshire Cup.
Entry Form link - Click to access Entry Form
Please ensure you have checked the dates in the structured season and the Rules before entry.
Also please note the following
- GMS Match cards are used for this Cup - access via COMPETITIONS TILE in GMS ( requires Match Card Administrator role )
- BOTH teams to enter team details into GMS Match card BEFORE the game - It pulls eligible players from TEAMS area in GMS.
- HOME team to put result on GMS Match Card asap after the game has finished. Including TRIES SCORED.
- Please check for typos when submitting as scores may be as important as results in later calculations.
- IF an uneven number is left in a Group the Highest scoring loser will stay in the higher group.
- IF one teams gets to 50 points ahead (eg 50-0 62- 10) the game is over and is recorded as with the 50 point difference only. The option is to continue with rejigged teams, coaches’ decision.
- HOME team to arrange a ref. IF a L2 neutral ref can not be found please discuss with away team and come to an agreement to get the game played.
- This can be a Ref from either club or shared 50/50 to get the game played.
- KO should be 11am.
- FINAL weekend is just for the Top 2 teams in each Group. Offers to Host the Europe Finals will be asked for after Christmas.
Any queries on this to go to Agegradecompetitions@yorkshirerfu.co.uk