We hope everyone has enjoyed a break from Rugby, and I am sure that clubs are now starting to prepare for the next season. As part of that process, we have already shared our prerequisites for application regarding players playing out of age grade with clubs. If you haven’t received them, please contact us and we will forward them on again.
Once again you may need to check that you authority to request a DBS is valid and your password doesn’t need updating. In the past 12 months we have had 24 DBS applications rejected by the DBS process and RFU, due to questions raised during the process. Some of these may have been for minor offences that if the applicant had continued with the process would have been granted, others may have been for serious criminal offences that may not have reached the prosecution threshold. It is therefore important that we remain vigil and complete the required DBS application for all those in coaching and position of trust roles in relation to young people and those vulnerable adults.
If you have any concerns or require further guidance in relation to who needs a DBS, please contact myself.
I look forward to working with you all again throughout the season.
Andy Pollard
Safeguarding Manager