Saturday 18th April 2020
Acklam | A | A | Medicals |
Barnard Castle | A | A | North Shields |
Consett | A | A | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Gateshead | A | A | Horden and Peterlee |
Hartlepool Rovers | A | A | Stockton |
Northern | A | A | Novocastrians |
South Shields Westoe | A | A | Middlesbrough |
Saturday 4th April 2020
Horden and Peterlee | A | A | Acklam |
Medicals | A | A | Consett |
Middlesbrough | A | A | Hartlepool Rovers |
North Shields | A | A | Gateshead |
Northern | A | A | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Novocastrians | A | A | South Shields Westoe |
Stockton | A | A | Barnard Castle |
Saturday 28th March 2020
Acklam | A | A | North Shields |
Barnard Castle | A | A | Middlesbrough |
Consett | A | A | Horden and Peterlee |
Gateshead | A | A | Stockton |
Hartlepool Rovers | A | A | Novocastrians |
South Shields Westoe | A | A | Northern |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | A | A | Medicals |
Saturday 21st March 2020
Horden and Peterlee | A | A | Medicals |
Middlesbrough | A | A | Gateshead |
North Shields | A | A | Consett |
Northern | A | A | Hartlepool Rovers |
Novocastrians | A | A | Barnard Castle |
South Shields Westoe | A | A | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Stockton | A | A | Acklam |
Saturday 14th March 2020
Acklam | 20 | 26 | Middlesbrough |
Barnard Castle | P | P | Northern |
Consett | 35 | 21 | Stockton |
Gateshead | 10 | 64 | Novocastrians |
Hartlepool Rovers | 18 | 26 | South Shields Westoe |
Medicals | P | P | North Shields |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 37 | 24 | Horden and Peterlee |
Saturday 7th March 2020
Hartlepool Rovers | 52 | 27 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Middlesbrough | 23 | 24 | Consett |
North Shields | 22 | 37 | Horden and Peterlee |
Northern | 38 | 20 | Gateshead |
Novocastrians | 28 | 20 | Acklam |
South Shields Westoe | 86 | 0 | Barnard Castle |
Stockton | 57 | 3 | Medicals |
Saturday 29th February 2020
Acklam | 19 | 31 | Northern |
Barnard Castle | P | P | Hartlepool Rovers |
Consett | 40 | 5 | Novocastrians |
Gateshead | 5 | 36 | South Shields Westoe |
Horden and Peterlee | 22 | 52 | Stockton |
Medicals | 18 | 14 | Middlesbrough |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 68 | 14 | North Shields |
Saturday 22nd February 2020
Stockton | 45 | 5 | North Shields |
Saturday 15th February 2020
Barnard Castle | 0 | 69 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Hartlepool Rovers | 13 | 0 | Gateshead |
Middlesbrough | 12 | 10 | Horden and Peterlee |
Northern | 15 | 32 | Consett |
Novocastrians | 21 | 12 | Medicals | ||
(11 - 11 on penalties) |
South Shields Westoe | 31 | 17 | Acklam |
Stockton | P | P | North Shields |
Saturday 8th February 2020
Acklam | 71 | 15 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Consett | 65 | 12 | South Shields Westoe |
Gateshead | 25 | 14 | Barnard Castle |
Horden and Peterlee | 35 | 43 | Novocastrians | ||
(4 - 23 on penalties) |
Medicals | 12 | 35 | Northern |
North Shields | 0 | 71 | Middlesbrough |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 31 | 31 | Stockton |
Saturday 1st February 2020
Barnard Castle | 15 | 31 | Acklam |
Gateshead | 14 | 48 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Hartlepool Rovers | A | A | Consett |
Middlesbrough | 23 | 12 | Stockton |
Northern | 70 | 12 | Horden and Peterlee |
Novocastrians | 45 | 0 | North Shields |
South Shields Westoe | 61 | 12 | Medicals |
Saturday 25th January 2020
Barnard Castle | 8 | 50 | Stockton | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Medicals | 49 | 17 | Horden and Peterlee |
Saturday 18th January 2020
Acklam | 43 | 24 | Gateshead |
Consett | 88 | 0 | Barnard Castle |
Horden and Peterlee | 5 | 21 | South Shields Westoe |
Medicals | 54 | 19 | Hartlepool Rovers |
North Shields | 26 | 57 | Northern |
Stockton | 20 | 31 | Novocastrians |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 17 | 45 | Middlesbrough |
Saturday 11th January 2020
Acklam | 30 | 38 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Barnard Castle | 0 | 22 | Medicals |
Gateshead | 0 | 82 | Consett |
Hartlepool Rovers | 22 | 25 | Horden and Peterlee |
Northern | 26 | 64 | Stockton |
Novocastrians | 17 | 60 | Middlesbrough |
South Shields Westoe | 61 | 0 | North Shields |
Saturday 4th January 2020
Consett | 33 | 14 | Acklam |
Horden and Peterlee | 29 | 0 | Barnard Castle |
Medicals | 46 | 17 | Gateshead |
Middlesbrough | 36 | 19 | Northern |
North Shields | 18 | 16 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Stockton | 34 | 17 | South Shields Westoe |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 28 | 20 | Novocastrians |
Saturday 14th December 2019
Acklam | 29 | 10 | Horden and Peterlee |
Barnard Castle | P | P | Stockton |
Consett | 32 | 17 | Medicals |
Gateshead | 31 | 41 | North Shields |
Hartlepool Rovers | 28 | 48 | Middlesbrough |
South Shields Westoe | 60 | 3 | Novocastrians |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 19 | 34 | Northern |
Saturday 7th December 2019
Horden and Peterlee | 20 | 45 | Consett |
Medicals | 50 | 32 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Middlesbrough | 95 | 0 | Barnard Castle |
North Shields | 21 | 48 | Acklam |
Northern | 52 | 33 | South Shields Westoe |
Novocastrians | 35 | 3 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Stockton | 43 | 5 | Gateshead |
Saturday 23rd November 2019
Acklam | 19 | 28 | Stockton |
Barnard Castle | 9 | 26 | Novocastrians |
Consett | 19 | 5 | North Shields |
Gateshead | P | P | Middlesbrough |
Hartlepool Rovers | 14 | 42 | Northern |
Medicals | P | P | Horden and Peterlee |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 10 | 24 | South Shields Westoe |
Saturday 16th November 2019
Horden and Peterlee | 36 | 7 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Middlesbrough | 7 | 13 | Acklam |
North Shields | 7 | 17 | Medicals |
Northern | 78 | 7 | Barnard Castle |
Novocastrians | 19 | 0 | Gateshead |
South Shields Westoe | 57 | 0 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Stockton | 10 | 16 | Consett |
Saturday 9th November 2019
Acklam | 14 | 24 | Novocastrians |
Barnard Castle | 0 | 39 | South Shields Westoe |
Consett | 30 | 29 | Middlesbrough |
Gateshead | 26 | 32 | Northern |
Horden and Peterlee | 34 | 17 | North Shields |
Medicals | 29 | 12 | Stockton |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 49 | 19 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Saturday 26th October 2019
Hartlepool Rovers | 32 | 14 | Barnard Castle |
Middlesbrough | 22 | 20 | Medicals |
North Shields | 7 | 32 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Northern | 52 | 18 | Acklam |
Novocastrians | 14 | 36 | Consett |
South Shields Westoe | 49 | 0 | Gateshead |
Stockton | P | P | Horden and Peterlee |
Saturday 19th October 2019
Consett | 28 | 8 | Northern |
Gateshead | 25 | 28 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Horden and Peterlee | 0 | 52 | Middlesbrough |
Medicals | 28 | 21 | Novocastrians |
North Shields | 10 | 44 | Stockton |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 59 | 0 | Barnard Castle |
Saturday 12th October 2019
Barnard Castle | 21 | 24 | Gateshead |
Hartlepool Rovers | 29 | 22 | Acklam |
Middlesbrough | 65 | 5 | North Shields |
Northern | 31 | 31 | Medicals |
Novocastrians | 42 | 28 | Horden and Peterlee |
South Shields Westoe | 17 | 23 | Consett |
Stockton | 59 | 22 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Saturday 5th October 2019
Acklam | 40 | 0 | Barnard Castle |
Consett | 53 | 7 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Horden and Peterlee | 15 | 48 | Northern |
Medicals | 35 | 31 | South Shields Westoe |
North Shields | 17 | 38 | Novocastrians |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 44 | 34 | Gateshead |
Friday 4th October 2019
Stockton | 21 | 14 | Middlesbrough |
Saturday 28th September 2019
Barnard Castle | 0 | 57 | Consett |
Gateshead | 29 | 33 | Acklam | ||
(0 - 0 on penalties) |
Hartlepool Rovers | 46 | 15 | Medicals |
Middlesbrough | 54 | 20 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
Northern | 71 | 3 | North Shields |
Novocastrians | 10 | 48 | Stockton |
South Shields Westoe | 48 | 12 | Horden and Peterlee |
Saturday 21st September 2019
Consett | 47 | 3 | Gateshead |
Horden and Peterlee | 17 | 37 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Medicals | 40 | 36 | Barnard Castle |
Middlesbrough | 66 | 21 | Novocastrians |
North Shields | 5 | 35 | South Shields Westoe |
Stockton | 37 | 34 | Northern |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 51 | 34 | Acklam |
Saturday 14th September 2019
Acklam | 40 | 45 | Consett |
Barnard Castle | 7 | 31 | Horden and Peterlee |
Gateshead | 15 | 33 | Medicals |
Hartlepool Rovers | 54 | 5 | North Shields |
Northern | 19 | 17 | Middlesbrough |
Novocastrians | 24 | 14 | Whitley Bay Rockcliff |
South Shields Westoe | 25 | 20 | Stockton |
Saturday 7th September 2019
Horden and Peterlee | 66 | 19 | Gateshead |
Medicals | 29 | 35 | Acklam |
Middlesbrough | 26 | 15 | South Shields Westoe |
North Shields | 24 | 20 | Barnard Castle |
Novocastrians | 0 | 57 | Northern |
Stockton | 32 | 17 | Hartlepool Rovers |
Whitley Bay Rockcliff | 14 | 28 | Consett |