Saturday 7th December 2024
Bramley 2nd XV | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | 14:15 |
Burley II | vs | Leeds Corinthians 2nd XV | TBA |
Harrogate Pythons II | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | vs | North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | TBA |
Leodiensian 2nd XV | vs | Ossett 2nd XV | TBA |
Roundhegians 2nd XV | vs | Ripon 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 14th December 2024
Burley II | vs | Roundhegians 2nd XV | TBA |
Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | vs | Castleford 2nd XV | TBA |
Ossett 2nd XV | vs | Stanley Rodillians | TBA |
Ripon 2nd XV | vs | Bramley 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 21st December 2024
Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | vs | Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | TBA |
Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | vs | Roundhegians 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 4th January 2025
Harrogate Pythons II | vs | West Leeds 2nd XV | TBA |
Ripon 2nd XV | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 11th January 2025
Leodiensian 2nd XV | vs | Burley II | TBA |
Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
Ossett 2nd XV | vs | Roundhegians 2nd XV | TBA |
Stanley Rodillians | vs | Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | TBA |
West Leeds 2nd XV | vs | Bramley 2nd XV | TBA |
Yarnbury 2nd XV | vs | Selby 3rd XV | TBA |
Saturday 18th January 2025
Bramley 2nd XV | vs | Ossett 2nd XV | TBA |
Harrogate Pythons II | vs | North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | TBA |
Harrogate Pythons II | vs | North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | TBA |
Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | TBA |
Ripon 2nd XV | vs | Leodiensian 2nd XV | TBA |
Stanley Rodillians | vs | West Leeds 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 25th January 2025
Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | vs | Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | TBA |
North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | TBA |
Ripon 2nd XV | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
Roundhegians 2nd XV | vs | Leodiensian 2nd XV | TBA |
West Leeds 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Saturday 1st February 2025
North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Ripon 2nd XV | vs | Ossett 2nd XV | TBA |
Selby 3rd XV | vs | Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | TBA |
West Leeds 2nd XV | vs | Leodiensian 2nd XV | TBA |
Yarnbury 2nd XV | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
Saturday 8th February 2025
Burley II | vs | West Leeds 2nd XV | TBA |
Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | vs | North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | TBA |
Leodiensian 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Roundhegians 2nd XV | vs | Leeds Corinthians 2nd XV | TBA |
Stanley Rodillians | vs | Selby 3rd XV | TBA |
Yarnbury 2nd XV | vs | Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 15th February 2025
Harrogate Pythons II | vs | Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | TBA |
Leeds Corinthians 2nd XV | vs | Ossett 2nd XV | TBA |
Leodiensian 2nd XV | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | TBA |
Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | vs | Burley II | TBA |
Saturday 22nd February 2025
Bramley 2nd XV | vs | Stanley Rodillians | TBA |
Burley II | vs | Ossett 2nd XV | TBA |
Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | vs | Leodiensian 2nd XV | TBA |
Roundhegians 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Selby 3rd XV | vs | Leodiensian 2nd XV | TBA |
Yarnbury 2nd XV | vs | West Leeds 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 1st March 2025
Burley II | vs | Stanley Rodillians | TBA |
Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | vs | Ripon 2nd XV | TBA |
Leodiensian 2nd XV | vs | North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | 15:00 |
Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | vs | Bramley 2nd XV | TBA |
Ossett 2nd XV | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
West Leeds 2nd XV | vs | Roundhegians 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 8th March 2025
Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | vs | Burley II | TBA |
Ossett 2nd XV | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | TBA |
Roundhegians 2nd XV | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
Stanley Rodillians | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Saturday 15th March 2025
Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | vs | Leodiensian 2nd XV | TBA |
North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | vs | Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | TBA |
Ossett 2nd XV | vs | Ripon 2nd XV | TBA |
Roundhegians 2nd XV | vs | Burley II | TBA |
Yarnbury 2nd XV | vs | Stanley Rodillians | TBA |
Saturday 22nd March 2025
Harrogate Pythons II | vs | Burley II | TBA |
Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | vs | Selby 3rd XV | TBA |
Ripon 2nd XV | vs | North Ribblesdale 2nd XV | TBA |
Yarnbury 2nd XV | vs | Roundhegians 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 29th March 2025
Castleford 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Ilkley 3rd XV (Development) | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
Ossett 2nd XV | vs | Leodiensian 2nd XV | TBA |
Roundhegians 2nd XV | vs | Stanley Rodillians | TBA |
Selby 3rd XV | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 5th April 2025
Bramley 2nd XV | vs | Roundhegians 2nd XV | TBA |
Leodiensian 2nd XV | vs | Harrogate Pythons II | TBA |
Ossett 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Selby 3rd XV | vs | Ripon 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 12th April 2025
Burley II | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | vs | Ossett 2nd XV | TBA |
Stanley Rodillians | vs | Yarnbury 2nd XV | TBA |
Saturday 19th April 2025
Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |
Leeds Medics and Dentists 2nd XV | vs | Moortown 3rd XV (Marauders) | TBA |